plp 31-5-34
Leeds, Thursday July 31,1818
My dear Jonathan.
I received your letter by Mr. Blanshard. I rejoiced
especially at the information it contained, that you had "set out anew
for the kingdom of glory". Now, do with all possible care and diligence
guard against these things which have formerly injured you, and zealously
attend to these things which you have known to help you. And let me once more
advise you to attend the Prayer Meetings. Take an active share in them and go
somewhere and give a word of exhortation, give attention to reading, to
meditation, and prayer.
When we proceeded to elect our President Monday morning,
there was a considerable appearance of a contest election. there had been a
canvassing for Mr Edmonds & one of the other candidates before the
election, Mr Robert Miller drove about saying, that as I should not have quite
sufficient votes to put me in the Chair, my friends had better vote for Mr
Benson, and vote for me another time. When the Ballots were counted, the stood
Mr Edmondson---------------55
Mr Benson------------------27
Mr Moore-------------------15
Jonathan Crowther----------13
Mr Stamp-------------------3
Mr Jas. Wood---------------3
Mr Myles-------------------2
Mr Jos. Talon--------------1
Mr Tho. Wood---------------1
When the votes were counted for the Committee of Eleven,
the persons who had the most suffrages, was announced to be Bros:
James Moore-------------------55
Jonathan Crowther-------------55
Rob't Miller------------------53
Henry Moore-------------------48
Chat Atmore-------------------41
John Gaulter------------------41
Wm Myles----------------------41
Jos. Taylor-------------------39
John Stamp--------------------39
Jos Entwisle------------------37
Walter Griffith--------------37
As to the Stations, I am down again for Northwich. Mr
Crompton stands for West Bromwich, between Birmingham and Wednesbury. There
will doubtless be many changes; but whether any of these affect me or him, it
what I cannot tell. However, I do, not know that there is any probability of
such a change. However, one change after produces several.
We sit so close now, I am on so many committees have to
affairs of my district to look after, and sundry other matters, that I have
but little time to spare.
Yesterday, my new pamphlet came out, entitled
"Strictures upon Strictures: or some additional thoughts upon the
Finances". I shall endeavour to send you two or three copies. Several of
pretty good understanding, have spoken highly of it. Mr Gaulter thinks the
composition superior to my former production, though I am not of that opinion.
I the Defence of Methodism, in the Portraiture, my best production.
I must draw to a conclusion. Live to God, and be active in
the means of grace, and in everything which may contribute to your present and
eternal welfare.
Tomorrow evening, I expect Mr Crompton will arrive here to
be formally received into full conversion after traveling five years. He will
bring the Circuit mare, I expect he will have a gig & bring your Mother
along with him to stay a few days.
It is impossible to say when the Conference will end:
perhaps not as soon as last year.
Let me hear from you in a day or row, I believe the postage
will cost me nothing. I can write again at least by Mr Blanshard. God Bless
I remain your affectionate Father
Jon Crowther
The Station for London is Charles Atmore, S Taylor J
Bunting, J Reynolds Losdon Prest, J Riles, Geo. Morley; and I have not a copy
of the stations by me ad I lent mine to your uncle Robert. Your uncle Timothy
is also here.
Monday Morning,
Sept 28,1818
My dear Jonathan,
We thought that Mr Morgan had been returned to London the
last week, till we have just received a line from him which he has been so
obliging as to write, post hand, from Liverpool. But as he will pass through
the town almost immediately, and as it is our Quarterly Meeting, we have not
time to do or say anything, except that we are all in pretty good health, and
all join in cordial and kind remembrances to you. Your Mother is in her usual
hurry and bustle in cooking the Quarter-Day Dinner. I wrote to Mr Bunting and
Mr Taylor, after I received your last letter, very explicitly and strongly
seconding the motion I made at the Conference. I do not see that I can do
anything more. And whatever the decision of the Committee may be, I shall
endeavour to think it the will of Providence. I hope you will view it in the
same light.
God, I believe has a special regard to us all: and in
consequence of this, is pleased to try us, though gently, every sep of our
pilgrimage. Of lately, I have been tried as silver is tried. but I believe, a
future day will prove to me that all has been in mercy and love. The whole is
designed to make the whole family truly religious, & still more and more
so. Do, my lad, give yourself wholly up to God, body, soul, and spirit, and
you will see what great things the Lord will do for you. I believe, and have
long believed, that God intended you for something more than the common
dog-trot of life. "Enter into his inside life, & sweetly lose you
will in his".
Write by the -ochis, for which I intend to write tomorrow.
I remain,
Your truly affectionate Father
J Crowther
Ps We heard two days ago from Hannah and Mr Crompton. All
well, hapy, and hily satisfied. Betsey entering with vigour upon music,
drawing,etc, She has already learnt two tunes, though she never meddled with
music before. She has one of the best brain- haus (?) among you all.
plp 31-5-36
Northwich, Jan 30,1819
My dear Jonathan,
Your parcel has been rather long in getting ready; but it
comes, however, at last. Would have sent you more things had our circumstances
been better. But our difficulties are considerable.
With regard to those two Pounds, which you promised to
repay in three months, I would say, when you are ready to do it, pay your
Cousin Thomas what we owe him for Tea. I think it is 1 Pound 1 Shilling. The
remainder you can send enclosed in the book parcel anytime when it suit you.
We had a letter from Hannah a few days ago, when they were
all well, and doing well. But she complains, that though she wrote to you six
weeks since, she has not yet had any answer from you. The other affair which I
hinted to you stands much as it did, undetermined & uncertain.
To fear God, and keep his commandments, is the whole of
man, the whole of his duty, happiness, and interest. Nothing else will be able
to support us in death. No, nothing short of this will be sufficient to uphold
us in many of the circumstances of life. I have been endeavouring to possess
and ------ a little religion, now for about forty years; and yet upon a
retrospective view, I can see little but imperfections, though not accompanied
with any gainful apprehensions with regard to the a future world. Nay,
sometimes I feel no small relief and comfort in the idea that the chief part
of my warfare is accomplished. I should like my last days to be my best. What
----- before me on earth I do not know. Only I hope, that he has led me &
fed me all my life long, will not leave me nor forsake me when I am ----- and
------ breaded; but that as he delivered & dose deliver he will still
do--- ----- I attain that rest which remaineth ----- God.
(Remainder of letter only partly remains and not very
From his father J Crowther
plp 31-5-37
Northwich March 20,1819
My dear Jonathan,
I was from home when your letter to your Mother arrived;
and she did not seem willing to answer it herself. Perhaps you may sometime
have noticed that we were always very reserved in speaking of your Mothers'
relatives. But it may now be necessary to tell you something which you never
knew before, and which I did not wish to communicate to any of you. Your
Mother's Father died before she was a year old. The farm which had been left
him by his Brother, a Clergyman, then became the sole property of your Mother.
It brought in when let and --- worth between forty and fifty pounds a year.
This was more than 20 pounds a year more than she ever cost them. These 20
pounds in 20 years should be 400 pounds to which she had just claim. But she
never got one farthing of this. Indeed, we knew them and their circumstances
too well, either to expect or ask for anything.
I must now develop a more delicate business. Two or three
years after we were married, I received a letter from Plymouth Fork(?) from
Mr. Evan Horner, saying that my wife had borrowed money privately in Plymouth
and Plymouth Dock, five guineas from the person, five from another and three
guineas from another; and this money was unpaid though it had been owing two
or three years. Of this, I had not the least knowledge or suspicion. I was
excessively grieved, not so much on the simple account of the money, as the
disgrace it was calculated to entail upon us. I asked her what this money was
for; and she said to help her Mother. I immediately paid this money and there
was an end of it. But sometime after, I again had the painful information
communicated to me by other persons, that monies had been borrowed in the same
way at Worcester and also at Shrewsbury. I again asked what it had been for
and received the same answer. These monies also I soon paid. But it is but
right to say that as far as I know no money has ever been borrowed in that way
After we were married; I let Protherse(?) draw the first
half years rent which was above 20 pounds, and I never had nor asked for a
shilling of it. Yet he had no right to any of it. And the next year he
had from me three guineas in gold, besides what was sent as mentioned above.
But indeed we soon found that the more they received, the more they wanted. At
last they laid claim to the whole income of the Estate and sent official
letters to us and to the tenants to notify this. This was the principal reason
that determined to sell it. I knew I could not sell anything which was theirs.
This point I resolved should be settled once and for all, and that I would
have done with them at any rate. The fullest investigation demonstated that
they never had the least right to either the whole pr any part of it. They had
all along strived to injure my character. They went to a Clergyman in Bristol
and represented me as one the greatest rogues in creation. He went to Dr.
CLarke, then in Bristol, to express his astonishment at such a rascal being in
the connexion, and also his willingness to suscribe to a suit at Law to compel
me to do justice. The Doctor was going to send me a trouncing letter, but
happening to mention it to Mr. Griffith he gave him a little light which
stagnated the Doctor.
"Ann," or Nance as they used to call her has been
for many years, one of the Whores in Bristol, and was a favorite with an
elderly gentleman, who left her something when he died, but of which she was
stripped by a legal process, her Mother's Brother being induced to be a
witness against her for which he was rewarded with an office in the Diocese.
The old woman has a little farm of her own at Dickens Dale,
some miles from the City of Hereford. But I fear that she has nothing that is
good in her. She was formerly better, your Mother says, but that Protherve,
who was a worthless villain made her like himself. I never forbade your Mother
to write to her, nor attempted to dissuade her from so doing. But yet I know
that she chiefly means when she talks about your Mothers writing to her. She
means something more than a bare letter. It is very disagreeable to me to
write to you such information but it is to yourself and for yourself only. I
do not wish you ever to communicate anything of this information to any of
your Sisters or Brother, except some occurrence or conversation should render
it necessary. This may possibly be the case when I may be no longer able to
write or speak in my own defence. You have known me many years; and whatever
other defects you have seen in me, you never knew me give a false, exaggerated
or distorted statement of any facts belonging either to myself or any other
person. Exercise all possible secrecy especially touching you Mother & the
borrowing of money. Whatever improprieties there might be in the business it
nevertheless fully proves the main point I bring it to prove, namely, that she
has not been hard and unfeeling towards her Mother. Well Jonathan, you and I
must think about death and judgment, heaven and hell, and discharge our
sojourn better compared than we are favoured with upon earth.
As to "Ann" or Nance, I do not believe she is
married now. I am constrained to say, from experience, that you must never
believe anything they say, except you have other evidence to prove the truth
of it.
Before you were of age, & long before she was capable
of judging properly, they used means to make her sign away her right in favour
of them & Protheroe's children. Another instance of their management was,
an attempt to sell her to an ugly old fellow, whom I have seen. He was almost
in dotage about her & promised them her Estate if they would make her have
him. But, I must stop. Probably you have heard that Hannah was safely
delivered of a fine Boy the 13th instant. So I become a grandfather & you
an uncle. Glad you are at Mr. Cordeaux's. Write soon we are well & join me
in love to you.
Your affectionate Father
Jon. Crowther
plp 31-5-38
Northwich, 19 May 1819
My dear Jonathan.
Whatever is the matter with you, that we cannot hear from
you? It is now a considerable time since you promised to write me a long
letter soon. But since then, I have had no letter from you either long or
short, though I have written to you since then.
I sometimes imagine that you are averse to writing on
account of the two Pounds, which you are in debt to me. For it is a common
case for Debtors to grow very shy with their Creditors. So these, after losing
their money, lose also the acquaintance of their former friends. This is
really one very serious reason for being very careful of letting people get
into one's debt. Now if this applies to your case, to relieve you for once, I
hereby frankly forgive you the debt, upon condition that you write me a letter
not later than the next Sunday. If you fail in the performance of this
condition, remember I then hold you a Debtors for the two Pounds Sterling. You
may tell your Cousin Thomas, that I intend t write to Mr Blanshard in eight or
ten days, and shall then request him to pay Thomas his demand upon his making
application for the same.
Mr Crompton and Hannah complain very heavily that you have
not written to them for many months, though they have repeatedly written to
you. In this, you are certainly very much to blame. Mr Crompton is a very
good, respectable, & worthy man. But yet it seems, when informed you of
the birth of the boy, when out of affection for me and you they call Jonathan,
you did not deign to take any notice of it. This is very contrary to that you
used to be. I sometimes fear this strange silence towards us is no good sign.
We hope the best, but we are not without serious fears- death, Judgment, &
eternity will come.
I forgive you your Debt today, partly out the consideration
that this day is your birthday, of which I wish you many happy returns, in
which wish your Mother, Sisters, and Brother cordially join.
Your uncle Timothy and family removed last Friday from
Runcom to Frodsham, which is in this Circuit. I think the situation will in
all respects be as well and in some respects better.
I have nothing more to say at present, but I remain,
Your affectionate FAther
Jon Crowther.
plp 31-5-39
Northwich June 26,1819
My dear Jonathan
Probably you will be surprised when I tell you that your
last letter gave me more pain than that of Mr Lemmon. It appeared to me to
manifest such symptoms of inconsistency, as I am not to this day able to see
through. I will explain my meaning. In your letter last before that, you
mentioned your debts and the bare state of your clothing, so that you felt
ashamed to appear in the Chapel. This statement had no small affect upon the
feelings of my heart. You know the result. Cloth and money came instantly. But
what was my astonishment, when you immediately informed me, that you were
going to exchange the cloth for some black to lay by till the King shall
die. It seems then, you were really in no immediate need of cloth, except
I am to suppose, that between writing to me about you wants, and the reception
of the parcel I sent you, you had taken with some cloth upon credit. And as
you told me, you had resolved t buy no more clothes till you had paid you
debts, and as I understood you had no money. I was surprized & confounded,
And I thought I saw another proof of inconsistency in your thinking of buying
up cloth against the death of the King. You seemed in the former letter
to regret the expense you had gone to for the Princess Charlotte and
said you would not do so again if all the Royal Family were to die
together. Besides one suit of mourning might service several successive
All these circumstances puzzle me exceedingly. I hope some
satisfactory explanation can be given. please to say freely and frankly, and
if possible by return of Post, how I am to understand those circumstances. I
assure you I shall be very glad to be relieved from the unpleasant sensation
which has been made upon my mind. Write immediately: and you may write again
to Bristol, either by one of the Preachers, Mr Blanshard, or by the Post. As I
am the Delegate for this District, I shall be there on Saturday July the 7th.
As to Mr Lemmon's letter, I doubt whether I ought to send
wither it or a copy of it. However, under a charge that you make no
contentions or litigious use of it, I shall transcribe it for your perusal.
"London May 20th 1819
Dear Sir,
I feel a little reluctant in bringing a subject before you
of the following nature. No doubt you have been informed long ago of your son
Jonathan having left our house and I must say, did not leave us on the most
honorable terms. I am informed you have been acquainted with the cause, But be
this as it may, it is not my intention to enter into any detail of the cause,
but only to state, that when he left us, which is about eleven months ago, he
owed us two Pounds-fourteen shillings. At first he reduced it by small sums 15
shillings which leaves a balance due to us of one pound ten shillings (?). for
the last four months we have received nothing, and whether he won't pay or
cannot pay, after repeated applications it comes to this, he may write to his
Father for it, and expected he had done it before. After five years
apprenticeship, I leave you to draw your own conclusions.
What I now request as a favour, is that if you can send me
the above sum, or order me payment anywhere in London, it will be doing me
Respects to Mrs. Crowther and Family, and I remain Dear Sir
yours truly "John Lemmon"
"Address no.8 Galway Street Bath Street, City
Here then, you have a copy of this instrument. But take
care what use you make of it.
You mentioned in a former letter, that a Welch Preacher,
thought that an abridgement of my Portraiture of Methodism, would do well for
Wales. I do not know from whom you had this information. But you are at
perfect liberty to state, that I am quite ready & willing to make such an
abridgement, and give it up to be translated & published. I shall not be
very greedy as to pecuniary renumeration. Anything in reason will satisfy me.
Please to see into this matter and communicate to me what you learn. Perhaps
Mr Cordeux knows something about it.
I thought of bringing the business of the apprentices in
the Book Room before the next conference before I learn from your letter that
some of the Committee had become more favourable.
Thank God your Mother, Brother, and Sisters are all well,
& join in love to you. MR Crompton was here the week before last. They are
all well. Betsey is making great progress in music and drawing. They are to
baptize little Jonathan in public in the Chapel at West Bromwich July the 14
or 15th. I remain ,
your affectionate Father,
Jon. Crowther