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Aunt Dorothy married Frank Malone and they never had any children of their own but instead adopted two children in the early 1940’s. At that time Frank was in the army as a Captain in the Pentagon in Washington. His specialty was Traffic Management and this is the career he followed in civilian life as well. Kathy, the first child, is a Dominican Nun and lives in Madison Wisconsin.

The second child, Danny, was killed in an auto accident at the age of nineteen in Omaha on April 19, 1961. His car ran off the road while he was on the way home from a late photography assignment from his employer.

Frank Malone retired from the Kellogg Co. and they moved to Arkansas where they lived until Frank died a few years later.

Dorothy died in April 2002 Madison Wisconsin. She was born in 1906.


Uncle Paul has lived almost all his life in Council Bluffs, except for a time in Illinois when my parents lived there. Paul married Helen Martin about 1940. She was a secretary in Co. B. and was born April 8, 1913. Paul and Helen moved to Rockford, Illinois where we were living and bought an old truck and bought and sold produce from door to door. Back in that time we were still in the depression years, and work was scarce. Later, Paul and Helen  moved back to Iowa. Paul went to work for the Union Pacific RR and became a blacksmith in the repair shops in Omaha until he retired.

Paul was an athlete who played baseball and at one time was a boxer. I think he played ball for many years. Here Paul is attired in a baseball uniform.

I remember Paul when I worked at the railroad in the summer of 1945 and late in 1947-48. Paul’s shop was hot and dirty with the furnaces and noisy heavy forges, and as I remember the floors were only dirt. I used to be fascinated by the acetylene pantograph-cutting machine used to cut out parts with the torches.

When my father died in Jan. 1942, and we had moved back to Iowa, Paul took it upon himself to teach my brother and I how to hunt. We bought ourselves shotguns with the money we had saved from carrying papers and other after school jobs. Paul took us pheasant and duck hunting and I think he enjoyed it as much as we did. I will be ever grateful for the kindness he showed to my brother and I in this way.

Paul and Helen had four children of whom two are now deceased.

Paul and Helen lived at 434 N. 34th St. in Council Bluffs where they have lived more than 40 years. This is the same house that my first wife, Midge Rolison, lived in as a small child.

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