Seaton familyThe Seaton family is related to my mother’s side of the family. My mother, Mildred Vuagniaux Makinson is related to the Seaton’s on her maternal side through her grandmother who was Lucetta Seaton before she married Hiram Post. Lucetta’s father was William McKee Seaton. William was born in Crabtree, Westmoreland County Pennsylvania on February 24,1826. He married a woman named Lucetta Icett Seaton April 7, 1853 in Greensberg, PA and they soon moved to Tipton Iowa in Cedar County in 1855. She was born in Westmoreland County Pennsylvania on September 28, 1825. In the 1880 Iowa census, the couple reported that they both their parents were born in Pennsylvania as well. Lucetta died November 17,1899 in Storm Lake, Buena Vista County Iowa. She was 74 years old at time of death. Their family is listed with four children at the time of the census. It must be noted here that they are recorded in the 1880 Iowa Census as follows: Name Relation Age Marital Born Father Mother Seaton, William Head 54 head PA PA PA Seaton, Lucetta wife 54 “ “ “ Seaton, Joseph son 20 IA “ “ Seaton, C. Adeline dau 17 “ “ “ Seaton, Martha J dau 13 “ “ “ Post, Lucetta E dau 22 “ “ “ Post, Ann M Gdau 4 “ “ “ Post, Nellie M Gdau 2 “ “ “ Post, Hiram Son L 32 OH In the obituary of Lucetta Icett Seaton that follows, it must be noted that several other children were born to this family, namely Samuel and Sarah M Seaton. These children must have already left home by the time of the 1880 census? In the same county census there is a Sarah Booth who is likely the daughter who left home at about age 17 to marry Eugene Booth and they have a 9 month old child named Irving at the time of the census. Samuel does not appear in the census and may have died as a youth? William Seaton served in the Civil War on the Union side. He and his wife were living in Tipton, Cedar County Iowa in1858 when the oldest child, Loucetta was born. It is reported that there is a GAR marker on his grave. It is also told that his wife Loucetta was a member of the Women’s Relief Corp, Department 256 during the Civil War. William seems to have met an inglorious ending with a newspaper clipping. THE STORM LAKE TRIBUNE APRIL 18,1891 (IOWA)W.M. SEATONSome interest was manifested on our streets Thursday morning by the announcement that W. M. Seaton, an inmate of the poor farm, had been found dead in a cornfield near by the evening before. Coroner Johnston held an inquest Thursday afternoon, and the jury composed of W. B Deland, John M. Jones and C. A. Swan returned a verdict that the cause of this death was unknown, but not from any means of violence. Arthur Wanzer was first examined an stated that about 6;00 Wednesday evening he saw him lying in the edge of the corn field about 40 rods south the Wanzer school house waving his hands for him to go away, and thinking it was some hunter after game, passed on without giving it further thought. Wilson Burris, who is gathering cream from among the farmers, drove along about a one half hour later, and seeing him lying prostrate on the ground as if dead, called to John Gillispie who was a short distance away, to remain with the body while he notified Mr Wanzer and the steward of the poor farm, and after the inquest Thursday, was brought to the home of his son, Joseph, in town. The old gentleman was at times demented and it is supposed that he wandered away and died from a stroke of apoplexy. He was about 65 years old. Lucetta Isett SeatonWilliam’s wife, Lucetta lived until 1899 and her death is recorded as follows: STORM LAKE PILOT TRIBUNE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1899LUCETTA SEATONDied at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Cattermole,
of this city, Friday November 17, 1899, Mrs. Lucetta Isett Seaton, aged 74 years
1 month 20 days. Cause of death -old age. Lucetta Isett was born September 28,
1825 in Westmorland County, PA and was married to William Seaton April 7, 1853
in Greensberg, PA and moved with her husband to Iowa in 1855, settling first at
Tipton, Cedar County where they remained until about 23 years ago when they came
to Storm Lake. Since the death of her husband, Apri1 15, 1891, Mrs. Seaton has
made her home with her children. Most of the time, however, she lived with her
daughter, Mrs. C.S. Harvey of Council Bluffs. About three weeks ago Mr. and Mrs.
J.E. Seaton of this city went to Council Bluffs and returned with their mother
to spend the winter here visiting the remainder of her children. She took
suddenly ill Friday morning, November 17th and died the same day. She
leaves behind to mourn the loss of a loving mother, Mrs. Lucetta Noonen of
Council Bluffs; J .E. Seaton of this city; Sarah M. Booth of this city; Celia A.
Harvey of Council Bluffs and Martha J. Cattermole of this city; Samuel and
William having preceded her many years ago. Funeral services were held at the
residence of George Cattermole Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m., conducted by G. W.
Pratt of. M.E. Church. The remains were interred in the Storm Lake cemetery .All
of the children were present to witness the last sad rites over the departure of
a loved and loving mother. Joseph SeatonSTORM LAKE REGISTER OCTOBER 1931Funeral services for J. E. Seaton, pioneer Storm Lake resident, who died at his home Monday, September 28, following a paralytic stroke, were held from the Baptist church Thursday afternoon at 2:30 conducted by the Rev. W. J. Robinson. Burial was in the loca1 cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral, including many from distant and nearby points. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, en evidence of the high regard in which Mr. Seaton was held. Among those from out of town in attendance at the funeral were: Charles Harvey, Ezra Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dicks and son, George; and Russell Dicks of Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Irv Booth, and Mrs. K. C. Eberhart and son Terry of Grundy Center; Mr. and Mrs. John Severson, Art Severson and Russell Ellison of Weyerhauser, Wisconsin; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Partridge of Sioux Falls, S.D.; Sam VanCleve, Miss Ethel VanCleve, and Mrs. Willis Pike of Brookings, S.D.; George Smith of Linn Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright of Sioux City; Mrs. C. G. Wessman of Correctionville; H. Grundemeier of Council Bluffs. Hosts of friends from Alta and nearby points also attended. The following obituary was written by J.M. Cawley, a friend of the family: “Joseph Alexander Seaton was born August 27, 1859 near Tipton, Cedar County, Iowa, the son of William and Lucetta Seaton. Of a family of three boys and four girls, only one survives him, Mrs. Addie Harvey of Council Bluffs. Mr. Seaton came with his parents to Storm Lake, arriving here fifty-two years ago on the first day of March. 1871. On February 7, 1886, he was married to Miss Eva Severson at Alta. To them were born four children: Howard D.; Florence M, (Deceased); Flora B. (Mrs. Edwin Kohlstedt); and Mural (Mrs. Frank Goodness. In 1889 he and his wife were baptized at Battle Creek, Iowa and united with the Methodist Episcopal church. When the great Galilean, the Christ, sent forth his chosen twelve to begin the consummation of his ministry among men, he ended his poignant charge to them with these words, this benediction on all human effort: And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones, a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.” “The scales of God hang finely poised. Into them men throw wealth, the prestige of power and position, all the weight of material achievement, and they remain unmoved—in a balance. Then some humble wayfarer along life’s rutted highway tosses in a loving word, a fragrant flower, a cup of cold water, in the name of a disciple, and the scales swing low, laden with God’s own gold, Joe Seaton did what he could, a cup of cold water, a cheery friendly call upon a sick friend or a neighbor (and they were many), words of comfort to the sorrowing, nights of vigil beside the dead. Even as great rivers flow unseen under the sand and sage of the southwest, even so no such rivers of lore and thought ran thru the mind of this man, unguessed except by those who knew him well. As a storyteller of the simple lore of life (and it is a rare gift), the writer has often thought him without a peer. He has gone on leaving loved ones who sorrow, but memories that are sweet and dear. Gone on into the Eternal, we believe, for he was a man of faith. And some day through God’s son we’ll hope to see each other again. Joseph’s wife, Eva lived until February 17,1955 to the age of 88 years. She was buried in Storm Lake Cemetery, Storm Lake, Iowa. Eva was born February 7, 1867. Martha J SeatonStorm Lake Pilot Tribune Thursday, 24 June 1926 (front page) Mrs. Cattermole Is Called Home Mrs. George Cattermole, one of Storm Lake’s most beloved residents, passed away at her home on Seneca Street Sunday, 20 June, following an illness of 3 weeks. She was taken ill May 29 and failed rapidly. All during her intense suffering, everything that loving hands and tender care could do to relieve her stress was done. She passed peacefully away at the age of 59 years 11 months 4 days. Mrs. Cattermole was a resident of Storm Lake and Buena Vista County nearly all her life, and her friends numbered among her acquaintances. She was a kind neighbor, always ready to help others who were in trouble, and her many acts of kindness which she was doing for the good of others, will long be remembered. She was active in many social organizations of the city, and was always interested in the affairs of the community. In early life she joined the Presbyterian Church. Martha J. Seaton was born 16 July 1866 in Cedar County, and at the age of 8 years she moved with her parents to Buena Vista County. She was married to George Cattermole 15 September 1880. Their first few years of married life were spent on a farm in Maple Valley and Washington Twps. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Cattermole, Albert E. and Charles W., who survive her. They moved to Storm Lake 37 years ago, and have since made their home in this city. She leaves to mourn her, her husband, 2 sons, one brother J. E. Seaton of Storm Lake, 2 sisters Mrs. Lucy Noonen of Council Bluffs and Mrs. Addie Harvey of Los Angeles, 4 grandchildren, and many other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 at the Presbyterian Church, in charge of Rev. T. A. Ambler of Early. A quartet composed of Mrs. Morton Hughes, Mrs. Robert Bleakly, L. O. Thomas, and Wilbur Kaufman, sang the chosen selections. Mrs. Roy Martin sang a solo. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held by her relatives and hosts of friends. Pall bearers were nephews of the deceased, A. L. Totman, Will Totman, Wesley Cattermole, Jesse Cattermole, Will Cattermole, and Frank Goodness. Interment was in the local Lake View Cemetery (Storm Lake). The Cattermole family has many friends who extend sincere sympathy to them in their sad bereavement. Among those who attended the funeral from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Noonen, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Mart Follet, Mr. and Mrs. C. Christopherson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dicks and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wyniel, and Mrs. Charles Noonen of Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Will Totman and children of Humboldt; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Totman of Newell; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chaney of Newell; and Archie Totman of LaFayette, Minnesota. Lucetta Seaton Post NoonenLucetta and her first husband, Hiram Post, were my great grandparents on my mother’s maternal side of her family. It is not known when Lucetta Elizabeth Seaton married Hiram Post. In the 1880 census, shown above, we note that Lucetta had two children ages four and two and that she was twenty-two years old. As her husband Hiram is listed as thirty-two years old, it is apparent that she was probably only seventeen years old when they married. Hiram was ten years older, and what’s more a Civil War veteran who had spent about a year in the infamous Andersonville, GA. prison camp where over thirteen thousand Union soldiers died of the forty-five thousand imprisoned there. It was not a good match for a tender seventeen-year-old girl in northwestern Iowa in those early days. In 1885 the couple divorced, and Hiram did not appear at the proceedings nor did his attorney, and so he disappeared, and no further record of him has surfaced. There is a legend that he died rather early in life though. The family had Hiram’s military discharge papers in their possession for a number of years, however, they have since disappeared. See more on Hiram below. Transcription of the Decree of Divorce Lucy E. Post vs. Hiram Post Now on this 10th day of January AD 1885 the same being the fifth day of the regular January term AD 1885 of the District Court of the 14th Judicial District of Iowa, this case coming on to be heard and for trial the Plaintiff appearing by F B Gregory, Esq, her attorney and the Defendant failing to appear or anyone for him and the court having inspected the original notice herein and the return of service thereon, finds that the Defendant has been duly and legally served with a good and sufficient original notice of the pending of this action and in time for this term of Court and he having failed to appear or any one for him is adjudged in default and his default is duly entered of record and the Court having inspected the finding and the record herein found and having heard the evidence offered finds for the Plaintiff against the Defendant and that the allegation of Plaintiff’s petition on time and that Plaintiff’s entitled to the relief demanded and that she ought to be divorced from the Defendant. It is therefore and that she is the proper person to and should have the custody and care of the two children the issue of the marriage of Plaintiff and Defendant. It is therefore considered ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that the Plaintiff be and she is hereby divorced from the Defendant and that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between Plaintiff and Defendant are duly dissolved and that the Plaintiff have and retain the custody of the two children named in Plaintiff’s petition the issue of the marriage of Plaintiff and Defendant, that Plaintiff pay costs of this action. Read, signed and approved in open court this 12th day of January 1885. Levi Thomas Judge, in this court of its 14th Judicial District of Iowa Lucetta later moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Both of her daughters, Anna and Nellie were with her. It is not known when they moved to Council Bluffs. In the 1900 census we find Lucetta living with a new husband and three more children by her and her new husband. Within a city block or so, her married daughter (my grandmother) Anna Post Vuagniaux, was living with her husband and her 11 month old son, Leslie Vuagniaux.
The 1900 census shows that Lucetta married Charles Noonen. Charles W. Noonen head age 31 b Mar 1869 mar 8yrs Lucy wife 41 b Jan 1859 “ Hazel C dau 7 b Mar 1893 Cleas M dau 3 b Nov 1896 Charles C son 10m Jul 1899 The census indicates that Charles was 23 when he married Lucy. She was 33 years old. There was another child born named William, who died in infancy and was the third child in this family. Obituary of Lucetta and husband Charles Noonen Click obituary to enlarge. Photo Page of Noonen Family- Click here Hiram Post (Husband of Lucetta)Very little is known about my great grandfather, Hiram Post. He disappeared after his divorce from my great grandmother and nothing more has been found about his life after that. In addition to what is mentioned about him in the foregoing in the discussion about Loucetta, Seaton, I add here some additional facts about him. Hiram enlisted in the Union Army at Columbus, Ohio on the
26th day of February 1864 at the age of 18 years and 2 months old. He enlisted at Columbus Ohio October 27, 1864 he was paid a premium of $15.00 upon enlistment. On June 10th 1864 he was listed as a POW at the battle of Brice’s Crossroads, Mississippi and was sent to Andersonville GA. Prison. He survived Andersonville and was transferred to Company G of the Ohio 72 Infantry. He mustered out of service with the 72nd at Vicksburg, MS on September 11,1865. Anna Post VuagniauxAnna was my grandmother on my mother's side of the family. She died in 1928 after an appendectomy. I was not born until a year later, so I never knew her. More about Anna and her family can be found on the page link that follows. Link to Anna and family history
Nellie PostNellie was the second daughter of Lucetta and Hiram Post. She was probably living in Storm Lake, Iowa with her mother and sister Anna with Lucetta's parents until she and the children moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa. We do not know how long the mother and girls lived in Storm Lake before they moved. We do know that Nellie's mother had been married eight years at the time of the 1900 census and therefore she was married in 1892 to her second husband. Nellie married Martin V. Follett in 1896 when she was eighteen years old. Nellie, and her husband Martin, had four children. They were Claude, Earl, Gladys and Martin. The Leroy Follett, in the picture on the right, is the grandson of Martin Follett in the middle of the picture. Cleas Marie Noonen Christoffersen
Other than Cleas, nothing more is known about the other children of Lucetta and Charles Noonen. Those children would be Charles C. and Hazel Noonen Dicks. |